Posted by Jerry Nelson, Immediate Past President
Yes, it’s true, my fellow Rotarian, the future of this club is in your hands, and mine and those of all our good members. The theme for this year, “Be the Inspiration” is a perfect reminder and begs to ask the question:  What are we going to do about it?
The CMIRC nominating committee consists of the Immediate Past President, President and President-Elect. It’s time for nominations for Officers and Directors for the 2019-2020 Rotary Year. Here are a couple of thoughts about the positions:
One of the stated advantages of being a Rotary member is that we are given opportunities to develop as leaders. This means that many participate in club leadership and perhaps district and beyond. Do you think that RI President Nominee Mark Daniel Maloney (shown right), of the Rotary Club of Decatur, Alabama had any idea of his destiny when he joined Rotary in 1980?
All of this is set in the scenario of a perfect world, one in which we do not visit, never mind reside. We make do with what we have, we continue to box above our weight; our CMIRC culture is to win. That requires rolling up our sleeves and demonstrating that we live in “Service Above Self”.
President is really a 3-year commitment with  recommended 1-year board experience prior.  Remember the President Elect normally becomes the President. The President becomes the Immediate Past President.  CMIRC bylaws recommend the President Nominee have a year of experience on the board prior to being elected, if possible.  Our club culture is to not ask anyone to serve a second term as president although many club presidents have told me that a two-year term is better for all concerned. There is a heck of a learning curve!
The CMIRC bylaws suggest that the Secretary, Treasurer and all Directors serve for 3 years if possible. Personally, my feeling is that we do this one year at a time. There are procedures in place for elections, but we are not yet at a place where we have more than one Rotarian wanting to do any given job.  The incoming president asks the Rotarian if he/she wants to serve during the upcoming year. If we accept, we suit up, show up and do the job! Along the way we ask ourselves if it’s best for all concerned to continue for a 2nd or 3rd year.
All the members of CMIRC are good people and we all have different paths, different challenges and different abilities. Please think about your own position in this club. Soon the nominating committee may ask you if you are able and willing to serve on the board for 2019-2018.
One last thought, when you are talking with a potential member ask yourself if he or she might have the potential to serve on our board at some future date. Not everyone is comfortable in a leadership position but given the opportunity we can grow. Not everyone will want to take the opportunity to develop as leaders, but some certainly will. We need good Rotarians in both leadership and worker bee roles!