Online Registration
  • Registration for this event is now closed.

CANCELLED (but not cancelled) due to the "stay at home" order..... 

The event is cancelled, but the clean up effort can still happen.  In keeping with Rotary's 7th area of focus "Supporting the Environment",  we hope you will consider "clean up" on an individual basis in your area, or a park or trail near you on April 24th. 

We'd love to see your selfies.  Please, consider posting them and spreading the word about Rotary's efforts. 



Strathroy Rotary Club will be participating in Rotary Environment Day on Saturday April 24th by conducting our Annual Highway Clean-Up. Across District 6330, Rotary Clubs, along with friends and family, will be participating in a series of events dedicated to the environment.

This year we are going to cover the area from Pannell Lane to Egremont Dr,on Highway 81 across Highway 402.  Our goal is to create teams of 5 (one member being a Team Leader) to cover specific zones.  We would expect that each section would require no more than 1 to 1 1/2 hrs per team. The evnt will start at 10AM.

We encourage all Rotarians to participate and given the nature of this project, we also encourage you to bring along your children and grandcildren should you wish to do so.  The minimum age for particpants is 12.

Organizers for this event are Richard T and Fraser M and we hope you will sign on as a Volunteer.  Feel free to direct any questions to Richard or Fraser.


Richard and Fraser