e-Club of Houston
United States of America

Akin Olufowoshu, Committee Chair, held an online meeting with RICON Chair of Hospitality Nights, Terry Zigler, to establish clear expectations for entertaining 50 Rotary guests during the Rotary International Convention.  The designated date will be Tuesday, June 7, 2022.  The main agenda items at this time are venue selection and budget.  We are responsible for providing dinner, optional entertainment, rcommended "freebie souvenir" , and extending warm Texas hospitality to Rotarians from all around the world.  RI will provide bus transportation with pick-up at hotels of the majority of our assigned guests.  We would like to have as many club members attend this event as possible.  We will need 1-2 ride th bus with attendees and share some information about Houston.  During th dinner we will have an opportunity to spotlight our club's projects and accomplishments.