The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation works with Rotary to Eradicate Polio.
In the March issue of  The Rotarian, you can find a short interview with Bill Gates.  The article discusses the reasons the Foundation decided to work with Rotary, and provides some history of the success of polio eradication over the years.  The Gates Foundation matches Rotary Funding 2-to-1, and recently announced that they will continue the funds matching through 2023.  
"In November, government and philanthropic leaders from around the world gathered in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, to affirm their commitment to eradicating polio and announced $2.6 billion to help fund the Global Polio Eradication Initiative's Polio Endgame Strategy.  Rotary pledged to continue raising $50 million annually."
With the efforts of both organizations, this adds up to $150 million each year.  
You can donate individually at
You could also attend the Rotary Anniversary Dinner to be held this Saturday at the DaVinci Centre.  All proceeds are donated to Polio Plus.