Hello Movie Buffs. 

Another very interesting discussion August 26 on Spike’s recommendation of the Australian Film “Predestination”, made in Melbourne at the Dockland Studios with Australian actors & on limited budget. 
Thanks Spike Sparkes & Susan Bower for your extra contributions to stimulate our thinking.

Great to see 10 members attending, (Anne, Spike, Susan, Mel & Pam, Linda, Tony plus 3 new ones. Lynne, Giovanna & John B. 
With input from everyone, we discussed individual suggestions/ preferences, genres & the desire to ensure variety on a rotating watch list. 
Next meeting, September 9,  discussing “Mr Hulot’s Holiday” a French comedy with some subtitles.
Some light relief, suggested by Lynne Wenig.  Enjoy it! Stay safe. Stay well.  Anne Fairhall