There are a lot of ways to help strengthen families.  Savio has dedicated our efforts to providing the most effective, in-home interventions because they are scientifically proven to help sustain positive outcomes.  Through rigorous clinical research, evidence-based therapy methods have been proven to be the most effective in teaching and sustaining change amongst behavioral issues.  The intervention methods Savio has selected to utilize are specific, time-limited treatments for family therapy. 

Not only do evidence-based models lead to greater long term success for the individual family, they provide success for the whole community.  Every $1 spent implementing the types of scientifically-proven intervention methods employed by Savio team members equals approximately $25.61 saved by local and state governments (WSIPP, 2013).  That matriculates into thousands of lives and thousands of families impacted by advanced clinical care, provided by Savio.  For more information about how and why our evidence-based methods of therapy are strengthening families visit