When the chaperone from Denver public schools,  who would be accompanying a group of high school students to Mongolia as part of the Denver Sister Cities exchange program, asked if there were anything she could take to help with a project there, the need for recycled glasses for the Gegee Lions Club there, a new organization fostered by the Denver Den, popped immediately to mind.  Getting glasses to Mongolia for the 3 service trips undertaken by the Denver Den has been a struggle, but always so worth the effort.  Steve Kinsky ordered the glasses after we confirmed how enthusiastic the Lions there would be to receive them.  
After traveling from Denver, to LA, to South Korea, and then to Mongolia with the exchange students, the plane was met by Soyombo Narantsatsralt and his son and the glasses are where they can be very useful for people in need of help with their eyesight as the doctors who are our partners and others exemplify the motto: WE SERVE.  
Here you can see the plastic bags packed with prescription-identified glasses, the Letter from Denver Lions to get the glasses through customs, and the Lions pin presented to Soyombo by one of the students that is engraved “miracles through service.