Luke Stahmer has undergrad degrees from CU Boulder in finance and astrophysics with an MBA from CU Denver. He started his career as an intern working for John Elway and worked to be senior vice president Elway’s championship Arena Football Team the Colorado Crush.
Stahmer co-founded the Dare to Play sports camps with another Broncos legend, Ed McCaffrey. The camps pair kids with Down syndrome with pro and collegiate athletes for several days culminating in a scrimmage. During the last 10 years, the camps have made a huge impact on well over 1000 kids while being featured on ESPN and other national media.
Stahmer has served on the Arc Board since 2005 where he’s chaired two of five executive committees for the company and been part of tripling revenues from $30 million to over $90 million in 2018.
Today, Stahmer primarily works in venture capital where he has been part of funding and strategic development for 8 early stage and rapid growth companies.