Hello great Denver Lions leaders and fans of our Colorado Lions Camp
As you can imagine, the Camp is running scenarios in terms of being able to run all the summer camp weeks, some weeks or none at all, as we respond to unfolding data in the unprecedented moment in time.
What I can tell you for certain is the workday on 5/2 has been cancelled.  Fletcher, can you remove that from the Roarings.
We are still hoping to have the 50th Anniversary event on Saturday, June 6that the camp prior to the kickoff of the camper weeks to which we’re all invited.  I’ll keep you posted on that.   Perhaps for now all of you can pencil that in on your calendars, but I wouldn’t go so far as to put it on the Roarings til we know more.
I’m grateful that Mark and the Foundation invited me to their 3/23 meeting, and that it’s still planned by phone (I just got the call in info, thanks Mark).  Much like our other club pillars like KidSight and state pillars like RMLEI, these nonprofits will need our help now more than ever.
I’ll keep you posted!
all my best,