Our social media effort is show good results in increasing the visibility of Denver Lions.  Lions who are on Facebook can help spread awareness by “Liking” the Denver Lions Facebook.   Also, when your see a Club posting “Like” it and maybe even share it.  This has the effect of your Facebook friends seeing the postings.  Then some of your friends may “Like” it spreading even more people. 
Example:   We posted an image with a description about the new Lions Club in Mongolia. TWO people shared that post, but because of just those two sharing, 128 people have seen the post.
  • 66 Postings of Facebook, Instagram, Meetup
  • Facebook statistics for the month of December
    • 62 total page views
    • 8 page likes
    • 9 page followers
    • 8,484 people viewed posts
    • 819 people engaged with posts
  • Denverlions.org
    • 276 people visited the site of which 264 were new
    • They viewed a total of 647 web pages