Altrusans have been working double duty these last couple of weeks.  Many are in deep preparing for the TOH as well as helping with a project or two.  I want to thank everyone for a successful Make a Difference Day project as we served Seniors brunch and played bingo then sent them home with a bag of winter necessities.  We had a group of Altrusans enjoy a beautiful morning as they cleaned and organized a storage unit for nurses at McLane Childrens Hospital.  ASTRA members were just as busy.  Salado made Halloween decorations for the elementary school children.  Belton had a record breaking number of ASTRA members at their October meeting and both clubs participated in the HEB Turkey Trot at the Belton  HEB.  Great job to Altrusans and ASTRA members.  Now just around the corner is the TOH .  We need all hands on deck from all Altrusans to continue to make this event successful.  Thank you for your service to our community and making a difference.
Friends In Service Helping,